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January 28, 2004
Annan Slams Bush for Reliance on U.N. Inspectors
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-28) -- United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today slammed the Bush administration for its reliance upon a decade of intelligence gathered in Iraq by United Nations weapons inspectors.

Mr. Annan's critique came after David Kay, the outgoing chief of the Iraq Survey Group, told a Senate panel that U.S. intelligence agencies had become dependent upon the U.N. weapons inspectors and didn't develop their own sources. This resulted in faulty analysis of Saddam Hussein's remaining WMD stockpiles.

"Bush is naive," said Mr. Annan. "He's a lemming who blindly went along with the judgment of U.N. experts, the CIA and other international intelligence agencies, the U.N. Security Council and former President Clinton. What a moron! How did he ever think that the U.N. inspectors could get accurate information as long as Saddam was terrorizing his people?"

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