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January 26, 2004
MyDoom Email Worm Unrelated to Dean Campaign
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-26) -- On the eve of the New Hampshire presidential primary, Howard Dean's campaign manager said he doubts that a new email worm virus was part of Mr. Dean's grassroots Internet strategy.

"I'm not saying we've never thought of doing something like this," said campaign manager Joe Trippi. "With thousands of loosely-organized zealous kids out there working for Howard, I can never say never. But I would hope that none of our people would send out an email virus called MyDoom. I just don't think it sends the right message about his candidacy right now."

However, some in rival campaigns suggested that the timing was more than coincidential.

"Think about it," said a spokesman for an unnamed Democrat candidate. "It's the first big virus of the new year and it happens the night before the first primary. Dean is the first major Internet candidate. You don't have to be a former physician, or even a physician's husband to diagnose that."

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