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January 26, 2004
Zellweger Stretches Lead on Dean in New Hampshire
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-26) -- Renee Zellweger, the Golden Globe-winning actress, widened her lead in New Hampshire by six points over former Democrat presidential frontrunner Howard Dean, according to the latest CNN-NYT-NPR-ET Zogby tracking poll.

"If you had told me a year ago that I would be the best supporting actress and running second in New Hampshire, I would have been delighted," said Ms. Zellweger, whose compelling performance in the Civil War drama 'Cold Mountain' helped her bypass six out of seven Democrat presidential candidates. "It just shows you the importance of taking consistent, principled positions on the issues. It's not a horse race determined by momentary buzz or celebrity."

A spokesman for Zogby International acknowledged that Ms. Zellweger is not campaigning for the presidency.

"However, our media clients, who pay for the polling, thought it would increase voter interest in the New Hampshire primaries," the unnamed spokesman said. "Anything that makes voting more appealing is, ipso facto, good for Democracy."

Senator John F. Kerry, who still leads Ms. Zellweger by about three points in the polls, immediately attacked her military record.

"If I had been an actor in 'Cold Moutain'," said Mr. Kerry, "I would have pretended to fight for my country in the Civil War, instead of pretending to harbor deserters, like Ms. Zellwegger did."

Mr. Kerry, who has served as a Vietnam veteran for more than 30 years, refused to say which side of the war he would have pretended to be on.

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