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January 24, 2004
Mondale Endorsement News Eclipsed as Oyler Backs Bush
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-24) -- In another masterful bit of George Bush political stagecraft, news of Walter Mondale's endorsement of Democrat presidential hopeful John F. Kerry was overshadowed today by the announcement that former presidential candidate Tom Oyler would back Mr. Bush.

Mr. Oyler, whose 14th-place finish in New Hampshire's 2000 Republican primary shocked political pundits, said Mr. Bush "has proven that he's got the background, the experience, the knowledge and the strength to not only be a strong candidate for president but a strong president."

In 2000, Mr. Bush's second place finish (72,330 votes) in New Hampshire was eclipsed by Mr. Oyler's 14 votes, because the Oyler 2000 campaign exceeded expectations by "at least 12 votes."

"Four years ago," said Mr. Bush. "I was standing in Tom Oyler's shadow. He was the comeback kid and a worthy opponent. Today, I'm proud to call him my friend and to accept his endorsement."

Former vice president Mondale, best known for losing to Ronald Reagan in a landslide, last year made an unsuccessful bid to return to the Senate.

Mr. Kerry, although clearly stung by the Oyler upstaging, said he's proud to have "the big mo" (slang for momentum) that comes with Mr. Mondale's support.

"It's a lot better than George McGovern's pathetic endorsement of Wes Clark," Mr. Kerry said. "What a loser!"

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