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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 21, 2004
Nugent, Osbourne File Class Action After Dean Scream
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-21) -- Ted Nugent, Ozzy Osbourne, David Lee Roth and dozens of other rock musicians have filed a class-action lawsuit against Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean, claiming the former Vermont governor violated union rules when he let out a bone-chilling scream during his Iowa caucus concession speech Monday night.

"Mr. Dean violated the work rules of the International Brotherhood of Vocal Metal Workers (IBVMW)," according to an unnamed attorney for the plaintiffs. "Delivering a blood-curdling scream from a stage, or on video, requires years of study, practice and official certification of the IBVMW. Mr. Dean's amateur outburst gives a bad name to the professionals who built their careers on this specialized skill. It may drive down the price people are willing to pay for our services, since it encourages non-union, uncertified public performance screeching."

The IBVMW has not yet endorsed a presidential candidate, and according to a union spokesman, "Mr. Dean's anti-union actions make it unlikely he'll be on our short list."

Mr. Dean could not be reached for comment, since he had checked himself into a rehabilitation clinic for victims of lozenge dependency.

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