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January 19, 2004
Dean to Iowa: 'Shut Up, You Gun-Toting Homophobes'
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-19) -- With the characteristic charm that earned him the love and respect of roughly 18 percent of Iowa Democrats, presidential candidate Howard Dean bid the state farewell as he stepped onto his private jet tonight.

"Shut up, you gun-toting, God-fearing homophobes," Mr. Dean said to a cheering crowd of Iowa Democrats. "Your caucus is a meaningless exercise dominated by extremist special interests just like I said on Canadian TV years ago."

Mr. Dean's aides said their candidate plans to "ride the wave" of his third-place Iowa finish on to "a decent showing" in New Hampshire.

"We're just so relieved to be out from under the burden of that 'frontrunner' label," said an unnamed Dean aide.

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