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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 19, 2004
Kucinich-Edwards Deal Sends McNabb to Panthers
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-19) -- Democrat presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich made a deal to send his Iowa caucus supporters to rival Senator John Edwards, D-NC, and to send Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb to the Carolina Panthers.

The backroom deal was designed to ensure that Mr. Edwards gets more support in precincts where Mr. Kucinich is not a viable candidate, and that Mr. McNabb gets to play on a Super Bowl team.

Mr. McNabb's team just lost its third consecutive NFC championship game, when the Eagles fell to the Panthers Sunday.

"It's a win-win-win deal for everyone," said an unnamed Kucinich aide. "The way I look at it, Dennis had as much chance of getting the Democrat nomination as McNabb did of leading the Eagles to the Super Bowl."

Asked how he got the rights to deal Mr. McNabb to Carolina, Mr. Kucinich simply said, "I'm a bargain hunter."

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