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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 19, 2004
'Twister' Makes Iowa Caucuses More Accurate
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-19) -- To attract more participants, the Democrat National Committee has provided Iowa precinct leaders with 'Twister' technology designed to make the caucuses "fun and even more accurate."

Until this year, Iowa caucus participants at hundreds of gathering places would talk for hours, then stand in designated corners to show their support for each of the candidates. If a candidate failed to get at least 15 percent of those in attendance, his supporters would then re-assemble in other corners to back the more popular candidates, or declare themselves undecided. After the re-shuffling, Democrat convention delegates were assigned to candidates with the most supporters in their corners.

This year, each precinct will use a Twister game to narrow down the number of candidates.

"It's more entertaining than sitting around for hours talking about George Bush," said an unnamed caucus organizer, "It's more accurate and just as meaningful as what we've been doing for years. Plus, on a cold Iowa night, Twister will really warm us all up and make us feel like we're actually doing something."

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