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January 17, 2004
Drudge Reports 2nd Kerry Anti-Farm Slur
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-17) -- Senator John F. Kerry's Iowa presidential campaign headquarters was rocked today by the Drudge Report's revelation of a second anti-farm remark attributed to the candidate.

According to Matt Drudge, Mr. Kerry privately told a told a group of supporters last week that he was "tired of all the dirt during the campaign in Iowa."

Rival Howard Dean was quick to respond: "First we learn that Kerry wanted to abolish the Department of Agriculture, now he's denigrating the very dirt upon which Iowa farmers rely for their sustenance."

Mr. Kerry's 1996 remarks about cutting the size of the Department of Agriculture sparked a firestorm of controversy since the Senator is a known Democrat.

"Reducing the number of federal government employees who oversee agriculture would surely lead to a free-market takeover of farming in America," said Mr. Dean. "Who would farmers turn to if there was no government agent to tell them what to grow, or to pay them for not growing certain crops? We would probably have to buy our wheat from the Soviet Union."

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