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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 13, 2004
Christian Faith Tempers Howard Dean's Temper
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-13) -- Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean today said he forgives his rivals for their verbal attacks which have made him a human "pincushion" and he refuses to strike back because of his deep Christian faith.

"How can I retaliate against my opponents?" Mr. Dean asked rhetorically. "They're just men and women like me, simple sinners, who are doing the best they can. Before I could complain about the speck in Dick Gephardt's eye, I'd have to remove the log from my own."

Mr. Dean said he will continue to "turn the other cheek" when his rivals verbally "smite" him, because he's running for president "to serve the American people not to feed my own ego or reputation."

"I would rather lose the election -- yea, verily my own life -- before I would lash out in anger against one who had offended me," he said. "I will forgive them as often as they transgress. That's what Jesus did for me, and it's only right that I do the same for them. After all, you wouldn't want a president who lashed out at everyone who spoke ill of him. It takes a certain even-tempered demeanor, graciousness and humility to carry the presidential burden of responsibility."

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