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January 08, 2004
Al Gore Inspired Lottery Loser Lady to Come Clean
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-08) -- A personal phone call from Al Gore inspired Elecia Battle to come clean and drop her claim to the $162 million Mega Million jackpot which she previously claimed to have won.

"Mr. Gore called and just told me I should give it up," Mrs. Battle said. "Even though I deserved the $162 million, and in my mind I had really won it, he said 'sometimes life's not fair'. He really spoke from the heart. He felt my pain."

Mr. Gore, an itinerant college professor, said, "My heart ached with empathy when I saw Mrs. Battle's futile effort to get something that never really belonged to her."

"I don't know why I identified with her struggle," said Mr. Gore. "I'm just a sensitive person."

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