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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 07, 2004
President Dean to Appoint Surrogate First Lady
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-07) -- Because his wife will be busy with her medical practice, President Howard Dean would appoint a surrogate First Lady to perform ceremonial and hospitality duties which America and the world have come to expect from the president's wife.

It's all part of Mr. Dean's determination that his wife not be used as "a prop" in his political life.

"Dr. Judy Steinberg is my wife, but she has her own life," said Mr. Dean, "I can't turn her into some kind of pretty-in-pink, cookie baking, rah-rah, stand-by-your man showpiece like Bill Clinton did to his wife. That said, I don't want to rule out Mrs. Clinton as a potential surrogate First Lady. Given her experience, we would have to take a serious look at her application."

Dr. Steinberg plans to move her private medical practice to Washington D.C. if her husband wins the White House. A Secret Service spokesman said protecting Dr. Steinberg should be relatively easy, since it's hard to hide weapons under a the typical patient gown.

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