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January 07, 2004
Clinton Meant Gandhi Gas Station Joke as Compliment
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-07) -- Senator Hillary Clinton's joke that Mahatma Gandhi "ran a gas station down in St. Louis" was meant to allude to Mr. Gandhi's great contributions to American commerce and political activism.

"The Senator was paying homage to Gandhi's influence on his countrymen who emigrated to the United States," said an unnamed aide to the senator. "Mrs. Clinton never buys a Slurpee, a lottery ticket or a gallon of gas without thinking of the influence that Mahatma Gandhi's teachings continue to exert. She admires how so many gas station attendants still follow Gandhi's doctrine of passive resistance by refusing to rush to the full-serve island or to do anything other than simply fill the tank, take money and make change."

"Without a speaking a word of English," the aide said, "these proud immigrants make a clear statement against Dick Cheney's destruction of our environment through backroom deals with oil industry cronies. Their example has inspired passive resistance among gas station workers of all ethnicities across our great land."

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