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January 05, 2004
Bill Bradley Defends Dissertation on Dean Candidacy
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-05) -- Former U.S. Senator Bill Bradley plans to endorse Howard Dean's White House bid tomorrow morning in a seven-hour oral defense of his 734-page dissertation: "Postmodern Metrosexual Extemporaneous Rage in Grassroots Digitally-Mediated Political Activism: The Presidential Candidacy of Howard Dean"

The affable, intellectual Mr. Bradley, a former professional basketball player, lost the Democrat nomination in 2000 to Al Gore then endorsed Mr. Gore who went on to lose the election to George W. Bush. (Mr. Gore eventually became an oft-quoted itinerant professor who makes widely-reported major policy addresses.)

A spokesman for Mr. Bradley said he will "pull an all-nighter trying to boil down his endorsement presentation into several hundred pages of talking points."

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