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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 05, 2004
Mars Rover Proving Intelligent Life in Solar System
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-05) -- The NASA Mars Rover has provided more evidence to support the theory that intelligent life exists in our solar system, probably on the so-called 'blue planet'.

"That rover journeyed millions of miles from Earth to Mars and it now sits on the Martian surface and sends pictures back to Earth," said an unnamed NASA spokesman. "From this evidence, we can surmise that an advanced race of bi-pedal hominids lives on the surface of Earth. They appear capable of using tools and language, and of high-level thinking about the past, the future and about thought itself. If I weren't committed to naturalistic science, I would call it nearly miraculous."

However, some in the scientific community still challenge the theory, noting that NASA is spending $800 million to look for water on Mars when Earth has 328,000,000 cubic miles of the fluid -- enough to cover all the dry land on the planet to a depth of 5.7 miles.

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