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December 29, 2003
U.N. May Protect Dean from Rival 'Axis of Smeagol'
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-29) -- The United Nations Security Council today took up discussion of a resolution to protect Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean from White House rivals John F. Kerry, Wesley Clark and Joseph I. Lieberman, whom Mr. Dean has dubbed the 'axis of Smeagol'.

"Like the two-faced character in the Lord of the Rings movies, Clark, Kerry and Lieberman make a show of party unity while verbally savaging me behind my back," said Mr. Dean. "Only the United Nations has the legitimacy to intervene for my protection. My own party has failed me."

Yesterday, Mr. Dean criticized Democrat National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe for failing to intervene unilaterally to protect the former Vermont governor.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he is hopeful that the Security Council will "leap to Mr. Dean's aid within the decade."

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