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December 29, 2003
Dean Calls Bush Iran Policy 'Schizophrenic'
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-29) -- U.S. President George Bush has a "schizophrenic foreign policy" regarding Iran, according to Democrat presidential frontrunner Howard Dean.

"Earlier this year, Bush said Iran was part of the Axis of Evil, now we're shipping food, medicine and other supplies to alleviate the suffering of ordinary Iranians," said Mr. Dean. "There seems to be a chronic disconnect in the Bush administration between the Iranian people and the actions of the Iranian government. The president needs to make up his mind -- is Iran evil or not?"

The former Vermont governor also noted that it's possible that Mr. Bush knew in advance about this week's massive Iranian earthquake, yet did nothing to stop it.

"We can't prove it," Mr. Dean said. "And I doubt that it's true, but it is an interesting theory that's out there."

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