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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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December 23, 2003
Hillary Forms 2004 Presidential 'Ignoratory Committee'
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-23) -- In an effort to reinforce her repeated statements that she is not running for president in 2004, Senator Hillary Clinton, D-NYArk, today filed papers with the Federal Election Commission to form a presidential 'ignoratory committee'.

The establishment of the committee will allow Mrs. Clinton to hire staff, raise funds and develop a network of support to ensure that members of her party "pay no attention to the electrifying potential for a Clinton-Bush battle in 2004," according to a committee staffer.

"We think there's a grassroots movement out there to get her nominated," said the unnamed staffer. "It's going to take a coordinated effort to get Democrats to ignore Hillary Clinton's enormous potential and pay attention to the actual announced candidates."

Although Mrs. Clinton has made several high profile appearances and strident anti-Bush pronouncements lately, her associates insist that she's just doing her job as a U.S. Senator.

Mrs. Clinton's ignoratory committee has already begun distributing bumper stickers in New York City which read "Clinton for Prez in 2004? Fugget-About-It!"

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