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December 21, 2003
Kurds Lead Way to Spider Hole, Bush Re-Election
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-21) -- Kurds lead the way to Saddam Hussein's 'spider hole' on December 13, as part of U.S. President George Bush's intricate plan to recapture the White House in 2004. The top-secret Bush plot was dubbed Operation Muffet.

The involvement of forces from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) was revealed by Britain's Sunday Express this morning, but the underlying motives of the Bush administration emerged only from an off-the-record interview with a senior Democrat presidential campaign official.

"[Ambassador] Paul Bremer said 'We got him' but it was really the Kurds who got Saddam," said an unnamed senior aide to presidential hopeful Howard Dean. "It's all part of [White House political advisor] Karl Rove's ingenious plan to get Bush re-elected. Part of the strategy is to continually make false claims that can be easily refuted by eyewitnesses."

The source said it's unclear how the Rove plan could result in a second Bush term, but he added that "Karl is a monolithic mastermind."

"One theory that's out there," said the Dean aide, "Is that the PUK is really the vanguard of the Bush re-election campaign. They're channeling money from Kurdish villages to Bush 2004. They lead U.S. troops to the spider hole, and they're leading Bush to a second term. Of course, that can't be proved. But the theory is out there."

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