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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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December 19, 2003
Sharpton, Ahead in Poll, Offers Kerry VP Post
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-19) -- In the wake of new presidential polling numbers which show Al Sharpton with greater support than Senator John F. Kerry, Mr. Sharpton has offered Mr. Kerry second position on his presidential ticket.

"We'd be a great team," said Mr. Sharpton. "We each supply what the other lacks. He has money, and I have personality, a sense of humor and the ability to motivate a crowd. Plus, I've proven that I can run more economically than John."

The Brooklyn preacher's campaign typically has less than $20,000 cash on hand.

Kerry campaign aides said he's considering Mr. Sharpton's "gracious" offer, which comes on a day when news reports claim Mr. Kerry will mortgage his Beacon Hill home to loan $850,000 to his own campaign.

"If you combine my 5 percent with John's 4 percent," said Mr. Sharpton, "it would put us in a virtual dead-heat for second place with Joe Lieberman and Wes Clark. Persuading John to be my vice president would be easier for me than mortgaging my Beacon Hill home."

Kerry campaign manager, Mary Beth Cahill, released a written statement which said, "For John F. Kerry to be Al Sharpton's vice president would be almost as great an honor as being Teresa Heinz's husband or Senator Kennedy's junior colleague from Massachusetts."

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