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December 18, 2003
Saddam's Capture Resets Iraq Death-Toll Clock
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-18) -- The capture of Saddam Hussein caused the official Iraq death-toll clock to be reset last Saturday.

Previously, news reports had calculated the U.S. military death toll from May 1, 2003, when President George Bush declared an end to major combat operations in a speech from the deck of an aircraft carrier.

However, effective immediately, reporters must use December 13 as the death-toll reference point in all reports of U.S. fatalities in Iraq, according to the Institute for Journalistic Standards (IJS).

Under the revised guidelines, news stories may also include mention of President Bush's 'Mission Accomplished' speech on the aircraft carrier, in addition to the Saddam-capture date.

The Institute's mission is to enforce standards of consistency among its member reporters and editors.

"The use of a benchmark date from which to count the death toll lends the appearance of context for news consumers," said an IJS spokesman. "If reporters didn't mention that, people might not naturally make the connection."

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