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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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December 18, 2003
Chirac Proposes Compromise: 'Hijab-on-a-Stick'
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-17) -- In a move described as a concession to religious liberty, French President Jacques Chirac today asked parliament not to forbid the Muslim hijab (head scarf) in public institutions, as long as it is white and mounted to a stick.

"We want to let our Muslim friends know that they are free to practice their religion in France," said Mr. Chirac. "But we must not allow our French secular identity to slip. The hijab-on-a-stick is a rational, secular compromise which will remind Muslims of their religious identity and all French people of their great military history."

Mr. Chirac's aides said they still don't have a so-called "final solution" for dealing with Jewish and Christian symbols, although they hope to find compromises which respect religious heritage while promoting distinctively French values.

"We're thinking of mandating that the yarmulke (skull cap) be worn as a sort of seat cushion to cover the derrière," said an unnamed presidential aide. "The cross, presents greater difficulties, because it's such an uncompromising symbol. However, we may perhaps allow only the horizontal beam to be worn, so it will be vaguely reminiscent of a cross, yet remind us all of the great Maginot Line behind which the French hid, for a time, in World War II."

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