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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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December 10, 2003
Ted Koppel Drops Out of 2004 Moderator Race
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-10) -- ABC News anchor Ted Koppel, who moderated last night's Democrat presidential debate, announced this morning that he was withdrawing from the 2004 presidential debate moderator race.

His sudden departure leaves Tom Brokaw, Judy Woodruff, Brian Williams, Brit Hume and Anderson Cooper in the battle for moderator-in-chief. Ashleigh Banfield has repeatedly denied rumors that she would enter the fray.

"When I got into this, I had a dream to really change the tone of discourse in America and I think I've accomplished that," said Mr. Koppel, "I didn't want this to be about my pride or stubbornness detracting from the real issues of importance to America. It was becoming a so-called 'vanity campaign' and I had to face that fact."

The disarray at Disney, ABC's parent company, compounded Mr. Koppel's personal challenges, which included a public perception of aloofness due to his brusque speaking style, and persistent speculation about his hair.

A crestfallen Mark Halperin, the ABC News political director, said Mr. Koppel had kept his plans hidden from even his closest advisors.

"I knew something had to give, but I wasn't ready for this," said Mr. Halperin. "We just weren't able to generate excitement at the grassroots viewer level. Of course, Ted will endorse one of the remaining moderators after the field thins out a bit."

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