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December 09, 2003
Gore Claims Dean Tricked Him into Endorsement
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-09) -- Former presidential candidate Al Gore this afternoon said he was tricked into endorsing Howard Dean and had intended to back his former running mate, Senator Joseph Lieberman. Mr. Dean allegedly imitated Mr. Lieberman's voice in a late night phone call to Mr. Gore, and invited him to Harlem to announce his endorsement.

"By the time I realized that I wasn't endorsing Joe, I was already there at the podium with Howard," said Mr. Gore. "It was embarrassing, but there was nothing I could do about it. It was already out there."

In a scene reminiscent of the story of Jacob and Esau from the Bible, Mr. Lieberman came in at the end of Mr. Gore's speech and pleaded with him.

"Have you not reserved an endorsement for me?" cried Mr. Lieberman. "Do you have only one endorsement to give? Endorse me also, Al."

But Mr. Gore remained stoic.

"Howard came deceitfully and has taken away your endorsement," he said. "I have virtually made him the Democrat nominee, and he shall rule over you."

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