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December 09, 2003
Bush Makes Deal with China to Import Taiwan Policy
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-09) -- When Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets with U.S. President George Bush today the two leaders will sign an international trade agreement worth billions.

The Bush administration has agreed to import China's Taiwan policy in a co-branding deal that provides the United States with a sharper diplomatic tool than its obsolete "strategic ambiguity" policy.

The agreement puts the coveted Made in China seal on yet another product sold in the U.S..

"Americans have come to respect the craftsmanship of the Chinese in almost every area of their lives," said an unnamed State Department spokesman. "Using China's existing Taiwan policy will save us millions in research and development costs that it would take to develop our own. Plus, we'll avoid the time-consuming debates about liberty, freedom, self-determination and the like."

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