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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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December 08, 2003
Medicare Signing Photo Used as Opposition Fundraiser
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-08) -- A youth-oriented lobbyist group will use a photograph of today's Medicare reform law signing ceremony to raise money for efforts to overturn the most expensive elements of the $400 billion entitlement expansion.

A spokesman for the American Association of Far-From-Retired Persons (AAFFRP) said the picture (shown below) illustrates how "old people feel about spending our money to benefit themselves."

AAFFRP got the idea from pro-abortion groups which used the male-dominated picture of the partial-birth abortion law signing ceremony to rile their members and boost donations.

"Look at those geezers yucking it up as they spend their grandchildren's money to buy their prescription drugs," said the unnamed spokesman. "Our members will be furious when they see this image. They'll send us money, and they might become so enraged that they'll actually vote in the next election."

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