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December 08, 2003
McNabb Credits Sports Media for Eagles' Playoff Berth
by Scott Ott

(2003-12-05) -- Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb today attributed his team's playoff berth to sports media people who were "very desirous that a black quarterback do well," as radio host Rush Limbaugh remarked earlier this season.

"If it hadn't been for all the hype about me in the sports press, we'd never be 10-3 now," said Mr. McNabb. "Rush Limbaugh was right that there are people in the sports media who are eager for a black quarterback to succeed. But I don't think Rush realized that in the NFL, it's the sportswriters and TV personalities who win games for you."

Mr. McNabb put up impressive numbers yesterday in the Eagles' 36-10 victory over the Dallas Cowboys, completing 19 of 35 passes for 248 yards and three touchdowns.

Although Mr. McNabb gave the media all the credit for his team's success, he had no explanation for how the Cowboys lost despite the fact that their quarterback, Quincy Carter, is black, and that some in the media are "very desirous that Dallas reclaim its title as America's team."

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