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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 21, 2003
DNC Urges Michael Jackson to Seek Presidency
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-21) -- Insiders at the Democrat National Committee (DNC) have reportedly urged Michael Jackson, the composer, choreographer and international statesman, to consider a White House bid.

Mr. Jackson has near-universal name recognition, which would immediately place him at the front of the Democrat pack.

"Based on the media coverage, we have determined that Mr. Jackson is the major public figure of our time," said an unnamed DNC official. "While George Bush was making a landmark foreign policy speech in London and al Qaeda was bombing Istanbul, the headlines were all about Michael."

Mr. Jackson is scheduled to make a major policy address to next month.

"Although we don't know where he stands on the issues, that's no obstacle" the DNC source added. "We have Democrat presidential candidates right now who are still developing their strongly-held beliefs. The important thing is that people know Michael Jackson's name, which would make him unique among the current field. It's been a long time since a Jackson has occupied the White House, and we think the time has come again. Jesse tried, but we think Michael will make it."

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