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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 21, 2003
U.N. Inspector Says Iraq Had No Donkey Carts
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-21) -- Former United Nations chief weapons inspector Hans Blix said that as late as February 2003 Saddam Hussein's government had no donkey carts like the one used in today's attack in Baghdad. The carts served as mobile weapons platforms from which terrorists launched 10 rockets that hit the Iraqi Oil Ministry, and two hotels early this morning.

"We found no evidence of donkey carts, nor of donkey cart research and production facilities," said Mr. Blix. "I can only assume that the carts were smuggled into the country after the war started."

Mr. Blix said that Coalition forces must act quickly to confiscate or destroy Iraq's remaining donkey carts to prevent similar attacks.

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