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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 20, 2003
Al Qaeda Diplomat Petitions U.N. for Reform
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-20) -- The Turkish ambassador from al Qaeda, the Muslim humanitarian agency, today petitioned the United Nations for help in ending the repression of Muslims worldwide.

"Our people are suffering from discrimination and lack of opportunity," said the al Qaeda diplomat. "We call on the U.N. to treat these peace-loving religious people as equals in civilized society."

The appeal came by fax to the U.N., after the original copy was destroyed in an explosion in Istanbul which killed at least 15 people, and injured hundreds.

"Our courier was on his way to the U.N. embassy when something went awry with his vehicle," said the ambassador. "And this isn't the first time we've been victims of an untimely accident. This is the kind of danger al Qaeda diplomats face every day in the name of peace and freedom."

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