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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 18, 2003
U.K. Police Gear Up for Peace Protestor Terror
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-18) -- During U.S. President George Bush's four-day visit, London's police force will more than double to guard against the "inherent danger" of tens of thousands of peace protestors in the streets.

"Little is more terrifying to police than mobs of people eager for world peace," said a spokesman for Scotland Yard. "They're a threat to elected officials and to life and property in general."

The British government will spend up to £7m "to prevent the peace advocates from performing horrible acts of violence," the unnamed spokesman said.

"The media have been saying that we're spending millions of pounds to protect President Bush," he said, "as if the expenditure is Bush's fault. From whom do you think we're protecting him? It's amazing how easily terrorists can slip into a crowd of peace protestors. They're indistinguishable from each other."

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