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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 15, 2003
Judge Rejects Plea to Return Power to Americans
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-15) -- A federal judge today rejected an appeal on behalf of the American people to restore so-called 'sovereignty' to the citizens of the United States. In a 12-page ruling the unnamed judge said, "the United States is governed by laws, not by men, and must therefore be ruled by those appointed to interpret the laws, not by the elected representatives of the people."

The plaintiffs, emboldened by the Bush administration's decision to more rapidly return power to the citizens of Iraq, had cited the so-called Declaration of Independence and Article I, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution to justify their contention that government derives its power from the "consent of the governed" through their elected representatives. They also alleged that Article III, Section 2, calls on the courts to decide cases under the laws created by Congress, rather than to create law using cases brought by activists.

However, the judge found neither of those assertions compelling, and ruled that "the United States will continue to live under the sovereignty of the judiciary until such time as the people are ready to govern themselves."

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