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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 14, 2003
Clark to Accept Public Financing, Food Stamps
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-14) -- Wesley Clark announced today that during the presidential primaries his campaign would accept public financing, food stamps and government-issued cheese.

"Our fundraising is going so well we don't need taxpayer help," said Mr. Clark. "We're only accepting this public assistance to demonstrate that Wes Clark is a true, blue Democrat. It's woven into the fiber of our party that taxpayers should have to pay for the personal choices others make."

Mr. Clark immediately criticized rival Howard Dean for his decision to refuse public financing.

"One could reasonably wonder whether Mr. Dean is even a Democrat," said Mr. Clark as he nibbled a cube of government cheese. "There's a mean streak of unilateralism in Howard."

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