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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 14, 2003
Candidate Kerry Makes Another 'Tough Decision'
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-14) -- Democrat presidential candidate Senator John Kerry made another "tough decision" this morning just days after firing his campaign manager.

"Mr. Kerry decided to eat oatmeal for breakfast today, rather than eggs," said his new chief spokesman Stephanie Cutter. "These are the kinds of tough decisions that he'll have to make in the White House. He could have ordered the eggs, but he didn't."

According to the Washington Post, Mr. Kerry said the termination of his campaign manager, Jim Jordan, illustrates that he "as a chief executive made a tough decision." He added that he barely knew his former chief spokesman, Robert Gibbs and deputy finance director Carl Chidlow, who both quit early this week.

"You have to admire the boldness of a leader who hires and fires people whom he doesn't know," said Ms. Cutter. "Sure, Mr. Kerry could have enlisted a campaign manager who agrees with his philosophy and a spokesman who's loyal to him. That's what a weaker candidate might have done. But future President Kerry learned to make the hard choices in the trenches of Vietnam -- where, by the way, he served with valor."

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