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November 13, 2003
Time-Life to Release 30-Hour Senate Debate on DVD
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-13) -- All 30 hours of the marathon Senate debate on the confirmation of judicial nominees will be released on DVD by Time-Life just in time for the holidays.

"Many people didn't get a chance to see this entire historic event," said a spokesman for Time-Life. "We've captured all the drama. You'll be on the edge of your seat wondering which Senator will say, 'Will the Senator yield for a question?' And you'll marvel at the valiant efforts of the Democrats to talk about almost anything but the judicial confirmation process."

The collection will include an additional 30 hours during which C-Span TV personalities will discuss the debate as it proceeds. The DVDs will also feature bios of the filibustered nominees and a game called 'Cloture' in which the players are part of an outnumbered team that is still able to impose its will on opponents by changing the rules of the game.

Time-Life will offer the 20-DVD collection for $5.95 and expects to sell several dozen.

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