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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 12, 2003
Kerry Hires 3rd Staffer from Kennedy Team
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-12) -- After Sen. John Kerry cherry-picked two staffers this week from Sen. Edward M. Kennedy to replace his campaign manager and press secretary, Mr. Kerry decided to complete the overhaul of the top of his team by replacing himself with Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kerry has come under criticism from fellow Democrats for running as if he were entitled to the presidential nomination, allowing Howard Dean's insurgent grassroots campaign to blindside him. The idea to put Mr. Kennedy at the head of the ticket came from the new Kerry campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill.

"No one in the DNC is more entitled to the nomination by dint of his long years of service and rich family tradition than Senator Kennedy," said Ms. Cahill. "Would Democrats rather nominate the junior senator from a small northern state who married into wealth, or the senior senator from that same state who was born into wealth? Watch out Howie --we're going to redefine insurgency."

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