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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 10, 2003
Kerry Electrifies Voters Again by Firing Campaign Chief
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-10) -- Democrat presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry continued to electrify Americans last night by firing his campaign manager. It's all part of his "really radical" campaign strategy, according to sources close to the Massachusetts junior Senator.

Mr. Kerry's non-traditional approach to politics has stunned the pundits and forced rival Howard Dean to scramble to play catchup.

"He's been attacking President Bush, courting wealthy liberals, acting like a man of the people and touting his military experience while opposing the war against terror," said the unnamed Kerry associate. "The political world has never seen anything like it. He is absolutely rocking the vote."

Experts say the replacement of campaign manager Jim Jordan, as Mr. Kerry is riding a wave of popular support bordering on idolatry, is destined to be a watershed in the annals of political strategy.

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