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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 09, 2003
Dean Ditches Democrats, Joins GOP
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-09) -- In another radical gambit destined to shake up the race for the White House, Democrat Howard Dean today announced he would switch party affiliation and run directly against George Bush for the Republican nomination. The move follows Mr. Dean's decision to refuse federal campaign funding, and thus spending caps, for the primary battle.

"It suddenly occured to me that turning away from the political welfare of taxpayer-financed campaigning is an eminently Republican thing to do," said Mr. Dean. "Why should I steal money from you to try to defeat the guy who probably stole your job by ruining this economy?"

Mr. Dean also said he expects it will be easier to run against one opponent for the nomination, rather than eight.

"We polled our grassroots supporters online," he said. "And they don't care which party I'm in, as long as I still hate George Bush. Being a Republican will allow me to focus all of my fury on Bush."

Mr. Dean immediately picked up the endorsement of the Union of Log Cabin Republicans for Peace, Universal Health Care and One World Government (ULCRPUHCOWG).

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