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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 09, 2003
Matrix Directors Warn New Movie 'Not Real'
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-09) -- Larry and Andy Wachowski, directors of the Matrix movies, warned audiences today that the new movie 'The Matrix: Revolutions' is "not real, but rather a vicious piece of computer-coding treachery written by whoever it is that creates this reality for us."

"We're still working on the real movie," said Larry Wachowski. "The script for this impostor sounds like it was written by Agent Smith or one of his clones. It's flat, and dull and pointless. You can tell it was made by the machines because it's almost nothing but special effects. Our real movies are deep, and meaningful and human. Our fans are being deceived by the architect of the know, the real matrix that we all live in...or at least we think we're alive."

Andy Wachowski added that, "the great danger of watching the faux 'Revolutions' is that the viewer will begin to believe that the whole Matrix series was nothing but a bunch of vacuous pseudo-spiritual mumbo-jumbo -- sci-fi B-movies with a huge budgets from Time Warner. We urge viewers who find themselves trapped in this alternate reality to run to the nearest ringing telephone. You have to get out of that theatre to free your mind."

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