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November 07, 2003
Dean Condemns Bush for 'Leisureless Recovery'
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-07) -- Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean today blasted President George Bush for fostering an economic recovery that deprives thousands of Americans of their leisure time. The attack comes on the day the Labor Department reported that payrolls grew by 126,000 last month, more than twice the number economists had predicted.

"Work, work, work," said Mr. Dean, shaking his head in evident disgust. "Is that the America you want to leave for your children? Do you want to live in a nation where GDP and productivity and the stock market continue to rise? Where's the balance?"

Mr. Dean accused Mr. Bush of stealing eight-hours per day of leisure from these newly-employed Americans, and of ruining the future for countless children.

"Kids will grow up without knowing the comfort of government assistance programs," he said. "And think about all the young Democrats who dream of being President. Because of Mr. Bush, they may never get that chance."

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