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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 06, 2003
Penn State Strikes Deals with Napster, Budweiser
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-06) -- Just hours after signing an agreement with Napster to provide free music downloads to Penn State students, the university inked a deal with Budweiser to supply free beer as well.

"Our students have been illegally downloading music," said Penn State President Graham Spanier. "Since we can't stop that, we've decided to buy the music for them. The same applies with the beer. Illegal drinking is rampant at Penn State and we can't stop it. We used to just run public service announcements about how cool it is to be sober. Of course that didn't work either. So from now on...the beer's on us."

Mr. Spanier will be featured in an upcoming Budweiser advertisement as part of the brewer's "Real Men of Genius" series.

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