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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 06, 2003
Rebel Flag Pickup Coalition Endorses Dean
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-05) -- Democrat presidential contender Howard Dean today picked up his first significant endorsement below the Mason-Dixon Line when the Rebel Flag Pickup Coalition (RFPC) voted to support him. The coalition is comprised of Southerners who display the Confederate flag on their pickup trucks. Last week, Mr. Dean said he would court such voters and bring them in to the "big tent" of the Democrat party.

"This is the first time we've ever been specifically mentioned by a presidential candidate," said an unnamed spokesman for the RFPC. "Most politicians try to pretend we're not here, but Mr. Dean has reached out to us and empowered us and made us feel like full citizens again. With Howard Brush Dean in the White House we will be marginalized and oppressed no more!"

The RFPC plans to mount an organized 'get out the vote' drive on Election Day 2004, in an effort to "put wheels to their words" in support of Mr. Dean.

"You'd be surprised how many voters one can pack into the bed of a Ford F-150," the spokesman said.

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