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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 05, 2003
Allegheny County Race Portends Doom for Bush '04
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-05) -- Democrat Dan Onorato's victory in the race for Allegheny County executive portends doom for George Bush's re-election campaign.

The eyes of the nation were on Pittsburgh, PA, the proven predictor of presidential party preference, as Mr. Oronato overthrew incumbent Republican Jim Roddey 58 percent to 42 percent to assume the throne of this western Pennsylvania county.

"We ran against Bush's failed economic and foreign policies," said Mr. Oronato. "We tarred Roddey with the Bush brush, and it stuck."

DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe said, "This was the race everyone was watching. We are champing at the bit to give George Bush the Oronato treatment next year. I've never been more confident that a Democrat will occupy the White House in 2005."

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