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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 02, 2003
Democrats Call for Boycott of American Products
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-02) -- Faced with the unexpected prospect of running against George Bush during an economic recovery, the Democrat National Committee (DNC) today called on Americans to boycott American products and services.

"If consumers continue to spend money and business owners continue to ramp up production," said DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, "then there's nothing to stop a second Bush term. And we all know how bad that would be for the economy. The only way to save this economy is to boycott American products and services so we can elect a Democrat to the White House."

The DNC said it will devote about $100 million to the boycott campaign, using consultants and talent from other countries as much as possible.

"Most of our ad dollars will go to NBC, by virtue of its merger with Vivendi, the French company,"" said Mr. McAuliffe. "We regret that some Americans will benefit from our 'Boycott America' campaign, but with this global economy it's really hard to completely avoid financing the Bush economic recovery."

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