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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 01, 2003
Rumsfeld's Mojo Found in White House Closet
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-01) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's mojo has been found in a third floor White House closet in the President's personal quarters.

The mojo was discovered in the same closet where, in 1993, a secretary had unwittingly stored copies of Hillary Clinton's Rose Law Firm billing records.

A spokesman for the President said Mr. Bush had borrowed Mr. Rumsfeld's mojo to use at recent public appearances where reporters questioned the effectiveness of his administration's economic policies, and the war on terror.

"The President placed the mojo in the closet for safe keeping, and then it just slipped his mind," said White House spokesman Scott McClelland. "It was actually Laura Bush who spotted the Time magazine article about Rumsfeld losing his mojo. She said, 'George, didn't you put that mojo in the Hillary-Rose closet'?"

The Defense Secretary expressed gratitude at the return of his mojo, since he had been relying on a temp-mojo lately which didn't work as well.

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