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October 31, 2003
Dean Charges Kerry with Metrosexual Discrimination
by Scott Ott

(2003-10-31) -- Presidential candidate Howard Dean has charged rival Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, with "metrosexual discrimination" claiming Mr. Kerry is trying to deprive him of employment.

The charge comes despite the fact that Mr. Dean appears conflicted about his sexual identity -- first declaring himself a metrosexual, then denying that he even knows the meaning of the word, then saying he is a "square."

"It's really daunting for a candidate to 'come out of the subway' about his metrosexuality," said an unnamed psychologist at New York University.

The term refers to a "dandyish narcissist in love not only with himself, but also with his urban lifestyle; a straight man who is in touch with his feminine side."

Mr. Kerry said he's not trying to deprive Mr. Dean of the job on the basis of his metrosexuality.

"I'm not a discriminator," said Mr. Kerry. "I think Howard is wrong for the job, and I would say that even if he were a homosexual."

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