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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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October 25, 2003
Adulterous at Birth? Study Finds Biological Marker
by Scott Ott

(2003-10-25) -- A new study in the scientific Journal of Predetermining Assumptions (JPA) suggests that men who commit adultery bear "markers" in their DNA which make such behavior "biologically irresistible."

The finding holds implications for "America's pre-occupation with monogamous marriage," according to the lead researcher on the study. It was similar to other research which indicated a possible genetic predisposition to homosexuality.

The data also showed that so-called "lusting" after other women is determined by the occurrence of a "Y" chromosome in the human genetic pattern.

"What this means is that society can no longer shun or discourage adulterers and leering perverts," said the unnamed scientist. "It's part of the genetic make-up of almost all males, so therefore it's okay. Our laws must change to reflect this new knowledge. Why should a man have to stay devoted to one woman alone, when in his heart he hears the Siren song of the biological imperative?"

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