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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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October 21, 2003
Jews Compel Malaysian PM to be Anti-Semitic
by Scott Ott

(2003-10-21) -- Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said today that Jews are ruling his thoughts and speech, compelling him to make anti-Semitic remarks.

At last week's Organization of the Islamic Conference, Mr. Mohamad said that "Jews rule the world by proxy" despite their relatively small numbers. Yesterday, he said that global condemnation of his anti-Semitic remarks proves that "they [Jews] do control the world''.

Today, the Prime Minister said that Jews have taken over his mind and tongue forcing him to say "hateful things" that he doesn't really believe in order to bring shame upon him and his country.

"Anti-Semitism is nothing more than a Jewish mind-control plot to make world leaders sound like anti-Semites," he said. "We are helpless to defend ourselves against these charges, since each defensive comment makes us sound more hateful. It's the Jews fault that I hate them. They want me to hate them, and I cannot resist their control."

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