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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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October 16, 2003
Chinese Astronaut May Be Traded to NASA
by Scott Ott

(2003-10-16) -- It's every taikonaut's dream to be the best in the world. Yang Liwei is no different. The former fighter pilot became internationally famous this week by being the first Chinese person launched into space. Now, he wants to go big time.

Immediately after his safe landing on the Mongolian grasslands, Colonel Yang got a satellite phone call from an American astronaut agency with an offer from NASA that he said was "more sweet than sour."

"We're talking big dollars," said Col. Yang. "The government salary's not much, but the endorsements will bump it into seven figures. We're talking to the Space Food Sticks people about a new kung pao flavor, and the Tang people love the sound of my name."

A Chinese government spokesman said China might reluctantly part with their star taikonaut in exchange for "reasonable remuneration and some more technology stuff like we used to get from comrade Clinton."

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