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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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October 11, 2003
Islamic Nations Discuss Full Range of Issues
From Opposition to U.S. to Hatred of Israel

by Scott Ott

(2003-10-11) -- Leaders of the world's Islamic nations meeting in Putrajaya, Malaysia, this week plan to discuss the full range of issues, from opposition to the U.S. to comdemnation of Israel.

"We are not a band of oppressive medieval principalities, and we deserve respect in the geopolitical realm," said a spokesman for the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). "That's why our great statesmen have come here to support allowing the United Nations to restore Iraq's Saddam-era freedoms. We believe one day it will become a shining example of liberty, like Iran. For that to happen, the Americans must first leave Iraq."

Delegates to the OIC will devote most of the conference to crafting a resolution that condemns Israel for bombing a terrorist training camp in Syria.

"For many young Muslim boys, these camps in the mountains are an escape from city life, if only for a short time," the spokesman said. "It's invigorating for them to get out in the fresh air, work with their hands and prepare for their future as martyrs for Allah. It's like Boy Scouts."

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